a - z指数


准备实践 成功面试的关键是什么. Preparation encompasses knowing yourself 和 your skills as well as an underst和ing of the position 和 the organization/employer.

The interview is one of the most important parts of your job/internship search. It will usually be the employer’s first chance to have a conversation with you. 同样的, it is your opportunity to convince the employer that you are the right person for the job/internship. The employer wants to learn about you, your experience 和 qualifications. 你会想要了解这家公司, job opening 和 the duties/responsibilities of the job/internship. 准备 和 实践 成功面试的关键是什么. Preparation encompasses knowing yourself 和 your skills as well as an underst和ing of the position 和 the organization/employer.

无论形式如何(电话/视频或面对面), 一对一或小组), 大多数面试都是这样进行的:

信息: This includes introductions 和 a few minutes of small talk to set the tone of the conversation
遵循. 通常包括对组织和职位的简要概述.
资格: Questions 和 answers about your qualifications for the position.
结论: 说明选择过程的下一步.


The following links will provide you with some basic information on interviewing 和 tips for success.




When in doubt opt for the more conservative 和 formal side. 穿得过分总比穿得不够好.


Northwest has created a Career 关闭t to help students have access to professional dress at no cost. 欲知详情,请浏览 http://xhl.mokmingsky.com/career/career-Closet.htm.



Many employers will conduct first-round interviews by telephone in order to determine which applicants they wish to see face-to-face.   Phone interviews may last anywhere from 15-60 minutes 和 are generally less expensive 和 time consuming for both c和idates 和 employers.


A telephone interview may result from several different situations:






进行一项 成功的电话面试 PDF


Video interviewing is a convenient 和 cost-effective alternative to the traditional in-person interview for potential employers. 然而, there are format-specific elements that students 和 new graduates need to underst和 和 consider when preparing for a video interview.

Here are some recommendations for preparing for video interviews:

由 全国大学和雇主协会.